Recipes vs. Vaults
When should I deploy a Vault Market?
I already have a 4626 vault that I wish to incentivize
Deploying a 4626 vault around my existing system is straightforward
I want to “stream” my rewards prorated among Royco depositors, maximizing the amount of deposit that I get per dollar of incentive spend by using tried and true defi-native unipool style staking
I do not wish to put any sort of lock on my depositors
I want to attract increased liquidity by allowing orders on other markets to idly farm my vault while waiting to be filled.
When should I deploy a Recipe Market?
The action I wish to incentivize cannot easily be represented as a ERC4626 vault
I wish to enforce some kind of lockup after my action is executed OR
I want to pay some flat lump sum for execution of my action without any sort of lockup or incentive streaming.
I would rather use the Royco Recipe Builder to define my action than deploying a 4626i vault.
I want to, as an IP, place my own limit orders, paying each filling AP some static incentive rate until my limit order has filled. And potentially also cross the orderbook to pay some increased rate to some valuable AP limit order.
Last updated