What is an a Royco Action Market?

A Royco Action Market is a market that incentives an onchain action. An Incentive Provider can offer you incentives to complete an action (ie. deposit into X). When you accept their offer, you automatically complete the action.

You may place intents to ask for more incentives too, which the Incentive Provider can choose to accept too.

This enables negotiation for actions and incentives.

What types of incentives can I receive?

You can receive points and tokens as incentives from the Royco Market. In addition from the incentives distributed by the Royco Market, you may also be eligible to receive native incentives from the underlying protocol. Both of these incentive types are visible on the markets page.

How can a market require me to lockup my assets?

There are three ways a market can require you to lock your assets.

  1. Lockup — cannot withdraw until specified time.

  2. No lockup — withdraw at anytime.

  3. No lockup, but forfeit: — withdraw at anytime, but exiting early all incentives to date will be forfeited and returned to the market.

Last updated