Recipes vs. Vaults IAMs

Key Differences

Vault IAM (ERC4626 Deposit)
Recipe IAM (Weiroll Script)


ERC4626 Vaults

All Onchain Actions

Incentive Schedules

  • Streaming Incentives ("Distribute 100 $XYZ per day")

  • Upfront ("Distribute 100 $XYZ upon completion")

  • Backend ("Distribute 100 $XYZ after X days")

  • Forfeitable ("Distribute 100 $XYZ after X days, but allow early withdrawal")




Locking Assets



Transaction Builder



When should I deploy a Vault IAM?

  • For streaming rewards: If you want to “stream” incentives, prorated among depositors

  • For ERC-4626 actions: If you currently use ERC-4626 Vaults or can easily configure your system.

When should I deploy a Recipe IAM?

  • For lump sum rewards: If you want to pay a lump sum, , paid as per the market’s reward style.

  • For actions that are not ERC-4626 actions: If the action I wish to incentivize cannot be represented as an ERC-4626 Vault

  • For actions with timelocks: If you wish for depositors to timelock their position/assets

For IP conditional offers: If you wish to counter-offer for incentives as an IP.

Last updated