Verify a Market
A list of markets is maintained here:
Requirements for Market Verification:
Name/Description of the Market must match the onchain actions of the Market.
User must be able to deposit (ie. $5)
User must be able to withdraw or simulate withdraw (ie. $5)
If a Vault Market, the underlying 4626 Vault must not have any bespoke functionality.
Automated Recipe IAM Testing:
In order, to ensure that your Recipe IAM's deposit and withdrawal recipes are working as expected, follow these steps to visualize and validate the flow of your recipes.
Make sure you have Foundry installed locally:
Clone the Royco repo locally:
Make Royco your working directory:
cd royco
Navigate to
in a code editor.Update the setUp function to match your market's market hash, network (RPC URL), and the network's RecipeMarketHub address
forge test --mc RecipeVerifier -vvv
Analyze the logs to ensure that the recipes are working as expected.
To verify your market: Submit this form with your market information: here. Once submitted, reach out to: Markets are typically verified within 24 hours.
Last updated