Future Applications / Markets

Royco enables anyone to incentivize any onchain behavior. Here are a few applications we forsee becoming popular built on Royco:



Deposit into Protocol X

Price discovery/price information: IPs can understand the hurdle rate of potential LPs and adjust incentive spend to capture latent demand and maximize growth or decrease costs.

Maximum participation: With composability & interoperability, anyone can negotiate and participate increasing market efficiency.


Deposit Token X for Y amount of time

Price discovery/price information: Understand incentives required for to complete different deposit functions. Identify if overpaying or underpaying.


Vote on X proposal

Maximum participation: Simple, permissionless markets where anyone can participate.


Mint NFT X

Better price discovery: Understand demand at various price points and capture it.

Community Action

Buy & burn onchain carbon credits

Anyone can add incentives to a market: Anyone including non-profits, private individuals, government organizations etc. may contribute incentives that burn onchain carbon credits.

Last updated